Web Resources: Geography Games

How well do you know your geography? Can you find your way around a world map? When reading about world events in the paper, or catching up on the evening world news, how well can you place the countries and cities from where the top stories are being reported? Do you ever find yourself thinking you should brush up on the topic you once knew so well back in middle school?

Well, today, we are bringing you a host of online interactive geography game sites that turn learning into fun.

Sheppard Software: Geography games progress by level of difficulty; country facts supplement the educational nature of the site

Purpose Games: more than 70,000 interactive user-created geography games

Sporcle: timed quizzes in a variety of formats include fill in the blank, matching, and more

Lizard Point: point map quizzes with decreasing point value for wrong answers

Addicting Games – Globe Game: challenges players to identify countries, flags and landmarks

Geography Map Games: flash based games covering countries, cities and flags

Geosense: challenge yourself or play against others to accurately locate places around the globe

Cool Math-Geography Games: snap together the countries of each of the continents

Owl & Mouse: map puzzles of the US and World

What are your favorite geography websites? There are certainly a great deal more website offering a host of geography trivia questions and interactive game-style learning. We’ve only listed the top map-based sites.  Visit these sites often in your spare time; and, remember, repetition reinforces memory!