Mapping software is helpful in a variety of fields. The most commonly considered application for online territory mapping software is sales work, but it can also be used for construction planning, cartography, and other similar areas. Effective mapping software in the modern digital age is vital for the success, growth, and tracking of businesses and services.
Online Territory Mapping Software: The Many Uses
Geographic Information System
Mapping software makes use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). GIS mapping software doesn’t just map an area. It tracks people and infrastructure, both on and below the surface. This is why it’s so valuable for fields outside of sales like construction and cartography. At the same time, tracking people allows for some in-depth use for sales work.
Spatial Relationships
GIS mapping software is so helpful for such fields because of the importance of spatial thinking. Knowing how different addresses interact with the surrounding addresses and the roads and infrastructure in the area is a significant factor. For example, knowing the locations of condos or apartments where soliciting is not allowed can affect territory mapping for sales. So could tracking businesses that are opening or going out of business. In addition, online territory mapping software can use census data for spatial mapping, which is invaluable for plotting boundaries and investigating new client leads.
Other Uses of Mapping
There are plenty of other uses as well. For example, businesses can use it to determine potential locations for new stores. Insurance companies can use the information to determine rates and coverage. Transportation services can plan more efficient and regular routes. Utility companies need the information for planning projects and expansion.
Territory Mapping
Online territory mapping software is vital to many businesses. Finding such software is also easier than people believe. While free versions are available, they are rarely as effective and encompassing as businesses need when it comes to mapping software. Depending on the business and services involved, research to find the right GIS is often a good idea. With how valuable and essential online territory mapping software is to so many different businesses and services, it’s necessary to ensure the right software is purchased. Choosing the right software with the best mapping will give a business the best results.
Geographic Enterprises
Is your business ready to purchase GIS mapping software but don’t know where to start? Geographic Enterprises can help. Our team can evaluate your business and its needs and recommend software that’s best for you. Contact us today at 888-848-4436, and we’ll set up a free demonstration.