Geospatial Business Intelligence Consulting

Maximize your business decisions with an innovative solution that captures shopper data. Nowadays, not many people leave home without their mobile phone. Using the precision of mobile device GPS data, GeoMetrx can deliver expert analysis that provides a more accurate understanding of your territory areas, or retail locations. Instead of strictly relying on mapping software only, this level of data analysis allows for better, more informed decision-making regarding space and territories.

Site Analysis with Mobile Location Data

  • Site Assessment: Geofence
  • Site Assessment: Mobile Device Identification
  • Mobile Devices Heat Map
  • Filtered Mobile Device “Pathing” Locations
  • Mobile Device Likely Home Locations
  • 70% Trade Area vs 15 Minute Drive Time
  • Mosaic Profile Comparison
  • Mosaic Segments Heat Map

GeoMetrx Functionality

  • Upload data appended to standard geographies to create reports and thematic maps – data can also be shared with other users in your GeoMetrx network.
  • HTML export of reports (users can then link the URL as public access data)
  • Select Geographies by market capture
  • Share data, report formats, and map templates
  • Custom Chart creation from all datasets thru our DataDashboard
  • Compare dissimilar geographies including radius versus drive time or radius versus standard geographies
  • FIPS codes appended to all geographies
  • Create Weighted indices
  • Merge Radius or Drive time boundaries
  • State name appended to geography selections
  • Map customization including increased thematic ranges and defining thematic ranges by: Equal Value, Equal Class Counts, Class Percent, Means and Standard Deviations, Individual Values

For more detail about the functionality of GeoMetrx software, click here.

Sampling of our Available Datasets

Core Demographic Data (Census 2010, Current Year Estimates, and 5-Year Projections) – 300+ updated and projected core demographic variables covering five broad topic areas: population, households, income, labor force, and dwellings.

a newspaper map of Boston, MA for GeoMetrxBusiness Location Data – This location data is ideal for competitive analysis, understanding market opportunities and evaluating market dynamics. Sourced from D&B®, the world’s most trusted source of sales and marketing solutions, all D&B information is powered byDUNSRightTM, D&B’s Quality Process which gives you the insight you need to avoid duplication, better target prospects and increase the profitability of marketing lists.This data is updated quarterly and provided down to 6-digit NAICS.

Business Summary Data – Employee and Establishment counts at 4 digit NAICS by Industry.

Crime Index Data – This report provides indexed crime data for your geography. It provides indexes for assault, burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft, murder, personal crime, property crime, rape and robbery. It also provides an index for total crime in the area.

a Google Maps example for GeoMetrxChain Store Locations & Data – Chain Store locations and data. Individual locations can be displayed on maps and listed in reports. Logos have been preloaded and can be displayed for the top Category Killer Store brands. When clicked, store-specific ‘Flash Reports’ are generated at individual store locations on the map. Categories include; Category Killers, Convenience Stores, Departments Stores, Discount Department Stores, Drug Stores, General Merchandise/Dollar Stores, Health & Beauty Care Stores, Home Center/Hardware Stores, Home Furnishing Stores, Supermarkets, & Value-priced Apparel Stores.

Climate Dataincludes temperature, precipitation, degree-days, and air quality measures. Derived from an extensive analysis of historical climatology data, this database provides a detailed view of local climate – down to the block group level. Raw numbers and comparative indexes are provided.

College & University Locations and Data – locations and data for 6,800+ colleges and universities across the US. The database includes all two and four-year colleges and universities, trade schools, and professional schools in the United States: name, address, institution type, degrees offered, total enrollment, and undergraduate enrollment). The locations are accessible via Tactician Desktop or Online for: displaying on maps; generating standard location reports; and generating location-based Flash Reports by clicking on the location on the map.

For the full list of available datasets, click here.

Are you a digital product developer who needs to integrate location services and data into your applications?

We can help with your custom needs through our mapping solutions.

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Geographic Enterprises Online Sales Mapping
Geographic Enterprises Online Sales Mapping