Map Business Online Solutions
Map Business Online provides your organization access to both historic and live business data. You can use the information provided in the data to develop custom maps using one of the solutions provided by the software. Here are some primary solutions that Map Business Online offers:
Business Listings
Map Business Online’s standard datasets contain information on over 16 million business listings across the United States. Your organization can use the data to conduct market analyses based on employee count and sales history for active businesses.
Business Map Visualizations
In order to create the most visually appealing and informative map possible, Map Business Online allows you to create custom markup using the software. These include colors, markings, labels, keys, legends and more that can be customized to fit with your brand.
Color-Coding & Heat Maps
With color-coded heat maps, your organization can place an emphasis on target areas and those with higher interest or value. Businesses apply color-coding and heat mapping for in-depth analysis of financial or sales data in the area to move dynamically.
Demographic Mapping
Map Business Online provides datasets that include information about the population, including household income and number of individuals. Take advantage of this information by creating sales territories, fundraising campaigns, canvassing turfs, and more.
Radius Maps for Business Planning
Radius mapping allows businesses to plan by creating circles and measuring distances. These can be used to create marketing campaigns, generate sales prospects, or plan sales trips. The software also lets you adjust the border of the circle to fall in line with existing counties.
Sales Territory Mapping
Organizations need proper sales tools in order to thrive in today’s competitive market. Sales territory mapping solutions provided by Map Business Online can help any business identify market opportunities and target prospective customers.
ZIP Code Mapping
Map Business Online grants you the ability to create custom maps based on data that is separated by ZIP code. These ZIP code maps are customizable, offer several types of data and can be easily integrated with your organization’s custom software.
Get Started Plotting Territories Today
Map Business Online provides valuable territory insight for companies and can help you get started planning dynamically with the right geographic intelligence. For more information about Map Business Online or to get your free trial of the software, contact Mapping Resources online or speak to a representative by phone at 888.848.4436 today.
Are you a digital product developer who needs to integrate location services and data into your applications?
We can help with your custom needs through our mapping solutions.
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