Map Business Online

Color Coding & Heat Maps

Color-coded mapping is an easy and efficient way to identify potential business opportunities. Presenting data through vivid, contrasting colors allows a company to easily plan and explain strategies. Map Business Online enables you to create a color-coded map, giving data visualization to help your company grow. Our data mapping software opens new opportunities through new understanding of data. This software has different color customization options for heat maps, colors for specific cities or points of interest, and different counties within states.

Utilize Color-Coded Data

color coded map by Map Business Online

Designating certain colors for data can greatly help in visualizing business data. It allows for easier emphasis on important data and areas of potential improvement. By distinguishing certain district areas, such as administrative areas, you can help to compare business data to specific demographic information sets. When using this tactic, companies can identify certain areas on the map that are desirable and are the best targets for growing sales while avoiding time-wasters. The ability to compare and contrast certain areas based on the data brought in can lead to better presentations during meetings as well. Team members can interact with maps live for enhanced collaboration and improvement.

Bring Your Data To Life

Companies no longer have to rely on still, stagnant, motionless data. Map Business Online gives them the opportunity to breathe life and vitality into their data maps. The use of the color-coded tactic easily helps to identify potential opportunities, enabling wise use of time. Our software allows you to rate the data, either red for hot or blue for cold. Maps are easily shared among across teams and with clients.

Color-Code Districts & Points

Files are able to be easily imported into Map Business Online, and customized for your company’s needs. Your business is able to color-code any districts, such as counties, ZIP codes, or states to help examine data. Within these colors, further classifications can be inserted based on sales volumes and other demographic data.

Sales are what keep a company in business. The ability to pinpoint certain areas for maximized business improvement can be very beneficial to a company. Map Business Online allows files to be easily imported and color-coded to best identify potential customers for growth. Any relevant criteria for you and your business is able to be inserted, and customized to your desired level.

See How Map Business Online Works

Reach Out for Your Free Trial Today

See for yourself why businesses are using smart practices such as color-coding in interactive maps to grow dynamically by giving it a test run. Contact Mapping Resources today or call a representative at 888.848.4436 for more information and to get started on your free trial.