Optimize Safety Outcomes with Location Data Predictive Modeling

Emergency scenario planningEveryday, first line responders need to safely but rapidly navigate between destinations. Those who are in the frontline of natural disasters are faced with complex issues before reaching their destination. They often have to navigate traffic jams, sudden road closures, and road work zones as quickly as they can. Once they reach the site, they’re faced with an entirely new set of issues such as finding the nearest fire hydrant, clearing out crowds, or closing some roads to the public. 

There’s a way to aid first responders avoid injuries – through being prepared in advance. Location technology alone can give the degree of precision required for better scenarios in a full range of emergency situations.

Public safety is the primary protection against any threat to the well-being and safety of its residents, no matter if it’s an accident, incident, hazard, or natural disaster. It is up to public safety officials to: 

– Use taxpayer money efficiently and effectively
– Coordinate incidents and emergency response
– Reduce response times

Of course, the primary goal is to help save lives. As the field of emergency management continues to develop as a fundamental function of the government, scenario planning is gaining prominence in improving disaster preparedness. As a facet of strategic planning, solid location data is needed.

Are you charged with public safety issues for your organization? 

Do you need to improve your forecasting and scenario planning? In scenario planning, exercises are conducted to simulate potential real life crises in order to assess readiness. Location-data solutions can assist in terms of finding common issues, plus assist in identifying alternative solutions for these issues.

Predictive Modeling with Location Data

business-owners-utilizing-gis-mapping-softwareEmergency services need to be optimized for both health and safety reasons and for budget reasons. With predictive modeling, it is easier to estimate how long responders may be needed in a given scenario, or how many responders are needed on a given day. This information helps planners and dispatchers tremendously. Our data solution provides emergency and public safety services with a detailed and timely picture of their routes. 

Plus, predictive modeling can help:

– Estimate needed resources, including response time, for individual incidents
– Determine future placement of vehicles and resources
– Deliver resource deployment recommendations
– Catalog time of day data, like busy periods
– Catalog high incident locations
– Position responders near to end-of-shift locations

With our location data solution, you can optimize all aspects of your safety operations.

Get Started Today

Our HERE Map Data solutions can help improve safety and efficiency for city government officials, state-level safety and disaster planning officers, and urban and rural planners managing first-line responders and emergency planning scenarios.

Do you want to learn more about how our open source, #1 ranked geo-data solution can improve your budget and safety profile? Just fill out the form below for an appointment or call us today at (888) 848-4436 with your questions – we are standing by.

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